Bismillah. Assalamualaikum. Hello! Masha Allah. It took me forever to update this. It's already the end of the year: 2019 but hey... what's up? It's my first entry. LMFAO.
Well-well-well.. Short but not too short, I am a housewife now. Still menjahit, tapi my own baju. Might start to take an order, while I still can.. I guess??
And I realized now when I am who I am at this moment, I no longer felt like I want or I need to update my social medias, to let my friends know what I am doing. Is that normal? For who has marriage life? Or it is just me, who felt that way?
When I felt like I want to upload a photo or at least to make an insta-story or facebook-story, it just feel like I am wasting my time.. Seriously, is that normal, guys?
Well. I don't know.. At this moment, I get to update my entry beacuse of my husband is not around so I can use his PC. Hahaha. (love you, sayang, come back hurry!)..
So rather than start writing an entry, I edited the codes in my blog and turned Blog Eyja from white background to black background. Hahahahaha. Dan sekarang aku dah sakit pinggang sebab duduk terlalu lama kat kerusi!!! Padan muka. (I'll sleep till evening pasni)
And I didn't even cooked for myself. Lantak kau lapaq satgih Ja!! But I boiled corns at this morning so I believed that fruits gave me a lil bit of calories (I am not even sweating, so don't need too much calories for today)
And I am listening to Selena Gomez not quite new songs: Can't Get Enough right now. And wait, now it's Taylor Swift - 22. Yeap. At this moment, yes. It's Taylor Swift.
Well, above all are not the point. The point is, I just wanted to share my old and lame kenduri kahwin photos. Just to you know, (penuhkan entry) hahaha. So here we go.
So, this is A: the love of my life. My bestest friend I ever have. I wrote in my last entry before this that I had no best girlfriend. Guess what? I need a husband. And my life was completely complete! We have been married for a year and a half now, and we both loving and knowing each other every single day. (cliche but that happened in marriage). Yeah. That's a bit of my kenduri photos that I think this can be a new start for me to you know.. Be more open about my beautiful and amazing life. So that (takyah kau perasan sangat orang lain nak ambik tahu pasal life kau) Hahahaha
So last but not least. Don't judge a person who shares his/her life in facebook or instagram. Because we didn't how hard they've been through or how struggled they life just to be succeed or anything. Just be happy and like their post or if you don't like, just scroll down you freaking timeline or just unfollow them. Don't hurt others feeling. You will never know when is the time that you might scratch others feeling dan berdosa okay??? Buat orang sakit hati... Be happy or remain silent. That's better. (rasa cam ahli falsafah or ahli psikologi plak aku) Well.. Till then guys.
P/S: Thank you so so so much to whoever read this entry (cause I know my blog hasn't been updated time-to-time). Thank you so so so so sooo much. <3
Well. I don't know.. At this moment, I get to update my entry beacuse of my husband is not around so I can use his PC. Hahaha. (love you, sayang, come back hurry!)..
So rather than start writing an entry, I edited the codes in my blog and turned Blog Eyja from white background to black background. Hahahahaha. Dan sekarang aku dah sakit pinggang sebab duduk terlalu lama kat kerusi!!! Padan muka. (I'll sleep till evening pasni)
And I didn't even cooked for myself. Lantak kau lapaq satgih Ja!! But I boiled corns at this morning so I believed that fruits gave me a lil bit of calories (I am not even sweating, so don't need too much calories for today)
And I am listening to Selena Gomez not quite new songs: Can't Get Enough right now. And wait, now it's Taylor Swift - 22. Yeap. At this moment, yes. It's Taylor Swift.
Well, above all are not the point. The point is, I just wanted to share my old and lame kenduri kahwin photos. Just to you know, (penuhkan entry) hahaha. So here we go.
So, this is A: the love of my life. My bestest friend I ever have. I wrote in my last entry before this that I had no best girlfriend. Guess what? I need a husband. And my life was completely complete! We have been married for a year and a half now, and we both loving and knowing each other every single day. (cliche but that happened in marriage). Yeah. That's a bit of my kenduri photos that I think this can be a new start for me to you know.. Be more open about my beautiful and amazing life. So that (takyah kau perasan sangat orang lain nak ambik tahu pasal life kau) Hahahaha
So last but not least. Don't judge a person who shares his/her life in facebook or instagram. Because we didn't how hard they've been through or how struggled they life just to be succeed or anything. Just be happy and like their post or if you don't like, just scroll down you freaking timeline or just unfollow them. Don't hurt others feeling. You will never know when is the time that you might scratch others feeling dan berdosa okay??? Buat orang sakit hati... Be happy or remain silent. That's better. (rasa cam ahli falsafah or ahli psikologi plak aku) Well.. Till then guys.
P/S: Thank you so so so much to whoever read this entry (cause I know my blog hasn't been updated time-to-time). Thank you so so so so sooo much. <3
i wish you happines ever after!! semoga kekal bahagia amin..btw cantik sangaaat gambar bersanding tuuuu <3
hi syasya. well thank you so much. :) i hope you will be happy too. <3 auw, terima kasih <3 <3 <3
DeleteWHOAAA SOOO CANTIKKK GAMBAR SEMUAAA! the quality is like 1080p! gorgeouss. tapi paling cun mesti lah gambar candid yang potong kek tu. muka terkejut beno tu eyja hahaha.
ReplyDeletep/s: welcome back! :D
hahaha.... ni pun jenuh suruh husband edit sikit gambar kahwin kitorang. dia lagi pentingkan gambar kahwin client dia. hahahah. sabo jelah. tapi cam biasalah, gambar candid memang suka jahanam sikit. tu yang susah nak edit sebab takde yang proper. hahaah <3
DeleteEyjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Congratssss!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteya shaiyang... <3 <3 <3 masyeh. heheh doakan kami ya :PPP