Ok I dowana talk about this pandemic (it scares me). I think I still love blogging. Like come on, I've been blogging since I was 16. Its already 10 years ago. I cannot simply dump this feeling about blog. Eventhough I know not much of us still blog. Most of them turned into vlog. Like who wants to read at 2021? Duhh.. But its okay. I still love to type. hahahahaha
I am thinking of should I change my domain or not. I dont know. I wanna change it to blogeyja.com but its no longer exist. So, I thought about eyjaazman.com since its my official name currently. But, I dont feel like Im in that domain. I dont know. Perhaps cause Ive been with blogeyja for a very long time? So I dont feel like want to change it? I DONT KNOW! So I guess I just gonna let it be blogeyja.blogspot.com dulu kot? .......... Yeah. I stick to blogeyja.blogspot.com dulu....
Cause I dont see how many of you who would still read my blog. I mean if I change it to blogeyja dot com, it is still me. My blog. People can just search blog eyja and taddaaa it will appears. So yeah..
Ok, talk to you later. My twins are already calling me and I am hungry. Byebye.

Muhammad Adil dan Muhammad Adib. Nama yang kami berdua pilih untuk anak kembar kami. Muhammad Adil: abang. Muhammad Adib: adik. Mulanya aku nak letak tiga patah perkataan untuk nama anak-anak aku. Tapi carik punya carik, bila gabungkan. Macam tak kena. Macam tu bukan nama dorang. Macam memang nama dorang Muhammad Adil dan Muhammad Adib je. Lagipun, nama ayahnya dah tiga patah perkataan. Tu je dah jenuh dorang nak ngeja nanti. So kitorang decided untuk letak Muhammad Adil dan Muhammad Adib je. Senang pun senang orang nak sebut, senang dorang jugak nanti nak ngeja nama dorang sendiri.
Aku pilih cara beranak secara Elective Czer. Doktor Kanaga, Doktor Amira, dan Doktor Shasi ada advised aku untuk try normal delivery, eventhough masa scan: kedudukan adik songsang (transverse). Adik still boleh pusing kepala ke bawah lepas abang dah keluar nanti. Walaupun abang kepala di bawah (cephalic), tapi aku tahu risiko kembar ni macam-macam boleh jadi. Dan suami aku tak nak aku try and error. Dia tak nak aku sakit atas bawah. So bila aku pikir-pikir, I chose Czer. Yeap. Aku sendiri pilih untuk anak-anak aku keluar 'ikut tingkap' (czer). Aku dah tak payah pikir dah, dah tak payah risau dah. Confirm-confirm dorang memang keluar satu tempat je. Instead of abang normal, tetiba adik within 30 minutes, tak nak berpusing pulak. Dah aku kena tolak emergency czer. Hah, ni yang tak nak ni. Bawah dah sakit, atas pun kena potong jugak. Dan aku buat keputusan yang tepat bila doktor dah keluarkan abang, adik still transverse. Tapi sebab dah czer so takde masalah dah untuk doktor tarik je adik keluar.
Alhamdulillah everything went well. Dan paling aku lega, laki aku sentiasa ada sebelum aku masuk bilik OT, dan semasa aku nak keluar bilik OT untuk ditolak ke wad. Part tu paling aku terharu. Tak pernah sekali pun dia tinggalkan aku (laki tidoq dalam kereta semata nak dekat dengan aku). Terima kasih, sayangku. :')
Tak percaya lagi sampai sekarang yang kitorang dah ada anak. Hahahahaha. Sampai sini je cerita aku. nanti ada rezeki panjang umur ada masa (dah tak larat nak duduk lama-lama, masih lagi dalam healing process) aku cerita lagi pasal kembar. Oh ye, aku tempekkan sikit gambar Adil dan Adib.
Till then,


#1 Caring too much about what others think
#2 Not showing the real feeling to the people I love
#3 Not following my passion
#4 Tak redha dan tak ikhlas

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum. Hello! Masha Allah. It took me forever to update this. It's already the end of the year: 2019 but hey... what's up? It's my first entry. LMFAO.
Well. I don't know.. At this moment, I get to update my entry beacuse of my husband is not around so I can use his PC. Hahaha. (love you, sayang, come back hurry!)..
So rather than start writing an entry, I edited the codes in my blog and turned Blog Eyja from white background to black background. Hahahahaha. Dan sekarang aku dah sakit pinggang sebab duduk terlalu lama kat kerusi!!! Padan muka. (I'll sleep till evening pasni)
And I didn't even cooked for myself. Lantak kau lapaq satgih Ja!! But I boiled corns at this morning so I believed that fruits gave me a lil bit of calories (I am not even sweating, so don't need too much calories for today)
And I am listening to Selena Gomez not quite new songs: Can't Get Enough right now. And wait, now it's Taylor Swift - 22. Yeap. At this moment, yes. It's Taylor Swift.
Well, above all are not the point. The point is, I just wanted to share my old and lame kenduri kahwin photos. Just to you know, (penuhkan entry) hahaha. So here we go.
So, this is A: the love of my life. My bestest friend I ever have. I wrote in my last entry before this that I had no best girlfriend. Guess what? I need a husband. And my life was completely complete! We have been married for a year and a half now, and we both loving and knowing each other every single day. (cliche but that happened in marriage). Yeah. That's a bit of my kenduri photos that I think this can be a new start for me to you know.. Be more open about my beautiful and amazing life. So that (takyah kau perasan sangat orang lain nak ambik tahu pasal life kau) Hahahaha
So last but not least. Don't judge a person who shares his/her life in facebook or instagram. Because we didn't how hard they've been through or how struggled they life just to be succeed or anything. Just be happy and like their post or if you don't like, just scroll down you freaking timeline or just unfollow them. Don't hurt others feeling. You will never know when is the time that you might scratch others feeling dan berdosa okay??? Buat orang sakit hati... Be happy or remain silent. That's better. (rasa cam ahli falsafah or ahli psikologi plak aku) Well.. Till then guys.
P/S: Thank you so so so much to whoever read this entry (cause I know my blog hasn't been updated time-to-time). Thank you so so so so sooo much. <3

Errr, that was huge moments, aite? But nevermind.
Oh, I might blog just about me, what I do what I say yada yada.. There is no collaboration with any company anymore, 'cause I know I cannot commit. So, apologise for whoever want me to review or advertise, I am truly sorry, because I have not so plenty time to cooperate. (I am sure that many other bloggers will review and advertise for you due to their pageviews)
So, that is it till now.
Talk to you later, bye :)

Your bills, magazines and letters will all pile up to become a paper landfill very quickly if you don’t organise them properly. Instead of allowing them to overwhelm your room with clutter, hack a couple of IKEA’s KNUFF magazine files and a wooden shelf, and you’ll never have to stress about organising your letters and magazines again.
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Monday, November 6, 2017
6 Brilliant Ways To Organise Your Bedroom That Is Just Too Good To Ignore
"It was because you were so focus to not tumpahkan air dalam gelas yang you bring tu and you were so focus on the way you walked so that you takkan tersadung or terjatuh and etc."
- Kita takkan ada masa nak tengok; orang ni silap, orang ni salah, orang tu tak betul and all that.
- Kita takkan ada masa nak judge and criticize people around us.
- Kita takkan nak bergossip with our cliques and talk about nothing.

Dulu dialah ajaq aku English masa aku nak ambik MUET dulu. Sebab dulu dia UPSI apentah course dia tapi bahagian English lah. So memang quite close sampai lah sekarang ni. Ada lagi sorang geng Blogger Apekah??? pun aku still kamcing dengan dia; Razanah Anis. Tapi laa ni memasing pakat tukaq nama. Dulu Aimi guna nama dia, laa ni Baemi dah :P Pastu pulak dulu Anis, searang Flavnesz dah. Hahahaha Aku je yang maintain Blog Eyja dari dulu. Hihi..
So berbalik kepada Baemi tadi, dia memang design superb namampos lawa. Pernah design blog aku tapi aku buli nak free je, dan dia pun ikut je. Kahkahkah
- Wedding Card
- Greeting Card
- Sticker
- Packaging
- Banner
- Bunting
- Backdrop
- Business Cards
- Sampul Duit Raya
- Bookmark
- Book Cover
- Blog Design
- Header Blog
- Online Ads
- Print Ads
- Flyers
- Brochure
- Poster
- Logo
- Tag
Untuk sebarang pertanyaan tentang harga, design, sample or anything related; feel free to whatsapp 014-3436432. Nanti kuli LAB nama Aimi akan entertain your pertanyaan dekat whatsapp tu hihi. Jaga-jaga, budak tu sengal sikit XD

- Write a journal
- Shop for shoes
- Try Pinterest DIY
- Decorate your room
- Take a long and relax bath
- Bake a dessert for friends and family
- Upload old vacation photos on Facebook
- Listen to the music
- Analyze your dream
- Rearrange your furniture
- Organize your bookshelves
- Wash your make up brushes
- Get a haircut
- Give yourself a facial
- Call up an old friend
- Update your resume
- Write your own play script
- Find 10 pieces of clothing to give away
- Practise your outdoor photography
- Do a braid
- Volunteer at charity
- Scribble your coloring book
- Go hiking
- Catch up on celebrity news
- Plant a garden
- Make a new friends
- Organize photos on your phone
- People-watch in a park
- Go for a 20 minutes walk
- Go bowling
- Sing at the karaoke place
- Take a new Facebook profile picture
- Review book on Goodreads
- Adopt a pet
- Practise speed reading
- Plan a vacation
- Babysit for cash
- Organize a picnic
- Write a poem
- Sketch a potrait
- Play hide and seek
- Laugh or smile
- Buy yourself something
- Paint your walls
- Learn a new language
- Practise a makeup tutorial
- Pick fruits
- Take yourself out to dinner
- Practise meditation
- Exercise
- Try a new drink at cafe
- Map out your family tree
- Start a srcapbook
- Compliment a few strangers
- Smile whenever you pass by strangers
- Breath in breath out with a smile happy face
- Read Al-Quran
- Make one day as your not-looking-at-phone-day
- Take a road trip
Thursday, August 10, 2017
50 Things To Do and Two Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Bored

- internal hard disk laptop rosak
- internet slow gile namatey sebab dia update apentah for like 2 months!!!
- settle everything down kat U sebab dah habis belajar
- dapat
wahyuakal untuk belajar "FnD" (let it remain secret) kat Giatmara puleks (I got no rest okay!) - buat 3rd job as an assistant for K
- I sucks at managing my time
- tak jadi nak publish post sebab dah tak ingat dalam post tu nak sembang pasal apa
- dan the major reason is have no mood to write down. (like balik, penat, mandi solat makan tidoq tak sdaq pa!)
- What kind of utilities are present on the land?
- What kind of zoning restrictions apply to the land?
The moral values that I got from this book are:
1. Always ask for your parents' blessings. (Redha Allah terletak pada redha ibu bapa)
2. Never bazirkan bakat yang Allah beri.
3. Setiap kesusahan akan disertai dengan kemudahan. (percaya pada Allah)
4. Popular di dunia biar sampai popular di Akhirat.
5. Jangan salah gunakan nikmat yang Allah beri.
6. Jangan malas dalam mencuba dan jangan malas on everything.
7. Learn to be grateful. (bila he said that soooo nikmat bila makan nasi putih yang dicatu dengan telur dan garam sebagai perasa make me..... Ya Allah selama ni aku selalu membazir....)
8. Learn to share. Tak semua benda yang kau ada dalam dunia tu memang sebenarnya hak kau. (I cried when he wrote that he wanted to eat chicken so bad but end up he gave it to a homeless)
9. Put your hope only on Allah. Kerana Dialah satu-satunya, satu-satunya tempat kau bergantung.
10. Find out more by reading this book!