Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tutorial: Scroll Bar Untuk Bloglist Dan Blog Archive

       Hello there! Would you like to know how I organized my Blog List and Blog Archive very well? Please say yes, please! Well. Im using scroll bar. It is suits for any kind of blog. Because it will make your blog organized and more structured. For not go further, you may enjoy the tutorial! :)
CTRL+C untuk copy code-code tutorial dalam BLOG EYJA ni.
1. Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
2. CTRL+F your own title for the code. Example of mine: Blogger Utara
3. Found your title? Then scroll down a lil bit, you may found this code:
<div class='widget-content'>
4. Replace it with this code:
<div class='widget-content' style='overflow:auto; height:200px'>
5. Preview, if everything is okay then, save the template. Done! :)
  200 : you may change it according to the height that you want.


"Burung serindit terbang melayang,
Mari hinggap di ranting mati,
Bukan ringgit pandangan orang,
Budi bahasa tangkaian hati."

Berbudi dan berbahasalah seolah-olah esok kita akan mati.
Be courteous like it seems we are going to die tomorrow.


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