Thursday, March 9, 2017

What's Inside My Bag?

          Hi guys! What are you doing? Are you guys feeling okay today? Well, I wish for your happiness. Aamiin. Guys, have you ever watch any videos at Youtube? About women share what they have inside their handbag? For me, it's cool and interesting. Because of from those videos, we can grab a knowledge about; 1) What should we put in the bag.. 2) How can we arrange our stuffs in the bag properly.. and also, 3) We can let guys know why is on earth do we need to have a handbag... LOL So, tonight, I would love to reveal what's inside my bag session! 
           This is my current handbag. It cost only RM29.90 for me to have this beautiful elegant handbag. Haha. I'm not the type of expensive branded person. I buy what is looking good to me. That keychain was brought by Abah when he visited nor Indonesia or Philipines. It is my lucky keychain because it glows in the dark; which I like it very very much. 
          Okay, here we go. So basically these are what I have inside my bag. Which is I have a case from Michael Kors (it is not original), I have journal-schedule-diary book, a wallet (it is belongs to my mom, eheh), and a spectacles case. I bring all of these is because of those what I might need during my journey, dan tu je yang muat disumbat dalam beg. >_<"
          In this Michael Kors's case, I put all of my beauty stuffs. The basic beauty stuffs jerr. It includes minyak Balm, Krim Kecantikan from Safi Balqis, Eye Drop from Eye Glo, Blusher from Silky Girl (code: 01; Nectar Blush), Foundation 4 Color from Menow-Pro, Press Powder from Silky White (code: 01; Ivory), Lip Defense from Sebamed, Nail Clipper, Liquid Lipstick from Anastasia Beverly Hills (code: Dolce), Everlasting Eye Liner from Avon, Brow Definer from Anastasia Beverly Hills (code: Caramel), and Long Wearing Lipliner from Silky Girl (code: 02; Mauve). 
          These are my sunglasses and my spectacles. I bought them both at GM Klang which the sunglasses cost RM50 and the spectacles cost RM30. 
          This is my journal-schedule-diary book. I write about I have to buy... Sometimes I wrote about what I feel.. but most vital is, I have dates in the book. So I can easily check what do I have to do when the date comes. So that's all from What's Inside My Bag? Session. Till then. Xo,


  1. Replies
    1. Auch kita pun sama tu sebab buat post! Ahaks xD

  2. Wah.. macam-macam ada dalam bg perempuan ni kan..

  3. teringin la nk buat entry gini. tp takut lak org tengok ada tikus kang dalam bag i. hahahaha

  4. I use the same beauty cream from Safi Balqis :D

  5. So organised lah yours. Mine is blerghhhh messy nak mampus HAHAHA

  6. your bag is so organized. And I love your cat :)

  7. dlm beg sy mcm2 ada huhuhuhu


"Burung serindit terbang melayang,
Mari hinggap di ranting mati,
Bukan ringgit pandangan orang,
Budi bahasa tangkaian hati."

Berbudi dan berbahasalah seolah-olah esok kita akan mati.
Be courteous like it seems we are going to die tomorrow.


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